Following the terrorist attacks committed in Carcassonne and Trèbes on 23 March, the French President today held a meeting at the Elysée Palace in the presence of the Prime Minister, the ministers concerned and the state services involved in the investigation.
After paying tribute to the memory of Lieutenant-Colonel Beltrame and extending the nation’s condolences to the bereaved, the President ensured that the injured people caught up in the attack, and their loved ones, were receiving the proper medical and psychological care.
He reiterated his desire for this treatment to be individual and personalized.
The investigation being conducted under the authority of the Paris public prosecutor is mobilizing several hundred investigators and must shed full light on any links between the terrorist and Daesh [so-called ISIL] – which claimed responsibility for the attack –, on any accomplices he may have had in carrying out his attacks, and on the stages in his radicalization process.
The Interior Minister set out the instructions given to prefects [high-ranking civil servants representing the state at departmental or regional level] to maintain the vigilance of all services, and the President asked the prefects to convene this week all departmental assessment groups following individuals who have been the object of tipoffs for radicalization.
Finally, the President decided that a national tribute will be organized in honour of Lieutenant-Colonel Arnaud Beltrame, who gave his life to protect our fellow citizens.