In a few clicks, send your message to President Emmanuel Macron or First Lady Brigitte Macron.
Writing to the President is an act of citizenship.
By sharing your ideas and experience, you further the progress you want to see.
Palais de l'Élysée
55 rue du Faubourg-Saint-Honoré
75008 Paris, France
N’oubliez pas vos coordonnées
- Nom, prénom
- Adresse postale
- Adresse e-mail
- Numéro de téléphone (éventuellement)
- Des courriers courts au format A4
- Une lettre dactylographiée, plus lisible qu’une lettre manuscrite
- Des courriers non agrafés
- Merci de ne pas envoyer de documents originaux, qui n’ont pas vocation à être conservés par la présidence de la République
Modèle pour exprimer une demande
Modèle pour exprimer son opinion
Nous accordons la même importance aux envois numériques et papier. Dans la mesure du possible, merci de privilégier le numérique.
Write by post
If you wish, you can also send a letter to the President or Ms Brigitte Macron at the following address:
Palais de l’Élysée
55 rue du Faubourg-Saint-Honoré
75008 Paris, France
Remember to provide your contact information:
- Full name
- Postal address
- Email address
- Telephone number (optional)
If possible:
- Write a short letter in A4 format;
- Send a typed letter, which is easier to read;
- Do not staple the pages.
Please do not send original documents, which will not be kept by the Presidency of the Republic.
Download templates:
Parcels and gifts
The Presidency of the Republic encourages you to send your donations, parcels and gifts to associations, particularly foodstuffs which, for safety reasons, cannot be consumed.
Visiting the Élysée Palace
Thank you for your interest in visiting the Élysée Palace, a central part of the national heritage.
At the moment, the public health situation means we cannot receive visits. Until that changes, you can take a virtual tour to discover the palace as if you were really here.