Access :

Access is by priority and there is no waiting time for disabled people and their carers. The entrance is at 88 rue du Faubourg Saint Honoré, 75008 Paris.

Opening hours :

Open Tuesday to Saturday, 11am to 6.30pm. The café is open until 6pm.

Parking near the museum :

Disabled parking spaces are available at 1 rue des Saussaies, 75008 Paris, 1 rue de Miromesnil, 75008 Paris and 5 rue Montalivet, 75008 Paris. 


Reception staff are on hand to answer questions and facilitate access for people with disabilities. 
Documentation and site maps are available at the ticket office.

Admission :

Admission is free for disabled visitors and their carers, as it is for all visitors.

Updated : 22 July 2024